StarLight Out of the Darkness

a helpful article to help nurture the child in your life

The Dark

When I was a child, my worst fear was the dark. The uncertainty, the unknown, and being vulnerable all crippled me with fear. A different kind of “dark” took over my life as an adolescence. Depression struck and having no clue what it was, I felt the fear of uncertainty set-in. I felt off and knew something was wrong but none the less, I was left in the dark. I went away to college and the culture shock and long, tedious nights of studying did not mix well with depression. Again, I just did not know what it was and felt hopeless. Finally, getting some help from a professional, it brought light to my condition. Now knowing what the issue was, it gave me the knowledge and power to defeat it. I realized in these times of “darkness,” I could always find the light if I searched for it.

Out of the Darkness, There is Light

Several years passed and the worst time of my life came. I lost a loved one; my best friend and thought I would plummet into darkness forever. Out of the dark, I rebuilt myself and found the light in Pray, Meditation, Education, Creative Arts and Fitness. I was stronger, braver and found life more precious. A few years passed and once again I was struck down with grief. A child I worked with everyday for over a year, a baby I watched grow into an awesome little girl who inspired me and made me Laugh My Apples Off, passed away. It devastated me. She was a glowing, bundle of energy and light who made our time together magical. At the end of every session, she would request the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. As I played it and sang along, her face would light up with joy. During this difficult and dark time, I founded StarLight to honor this little girl, a child who shined so bright in my life. 

Let There Be Light

StarLight is designed to bring a light of knowledge many children are never exposed to. Skills used to help them manage life in a healthy and holistic way. A light which brings care to one’s self, others, and the world around them. Even as I created the curriculum, I did not realize how in the dark I was about so many topics. I came to find many others were in the dark, too. They were never exposed to such important information or practices. Even practices used to heal in such uncertain times. 

Yes, in the dark there is uncertainty but there is also stillness, reflection and possibility. There is work to be done and lesson to be learned, even in the dark. As the stars in the night sky are born in the void, there is a Light which shines. 

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Ashley Larsen

Hi! I'm Ashley

I am a Masters Level Certified Teacher with a love for nurturing little minds and encouraging them to grow and learn about the world around them using their mind, soul, and body.
