A Mind Full of Science

a helpful article to help nurture the child in your life

What is Science?

“Science consists of observing the world by watching, listening, observing and recording. Science is curiosity in thoughtful action about the world and how it behaves.” -NASA 

Science is a wonderful way to understand life and the world. It is a question, a thought, an idea, a study. It brings US closer to the truth in which the world works. And science is evolving and developing everyday. 

The Benefits

Children who think are children who learn and create change. Science is a way of life. And it brings many benefits to people. Children will begin to and expand skills such as:

  • Observation
  • Heighten Senses
  • Analyzation 
  • Recording and Tracking Data 
  • Thinking Critically, Consciously and Creatively 

A mind full of science helps children become better communicators, problem solvers, collaborators and even makes them more curious and persistent. Their passion for science could also give them the opportunity to pursue careers with high demand. The world benefits when children develop a love for science. 

Science and Life

Science is the study of life. However, it does not explain or dictate it. Science is a fantastic way to dissect areas in life which should bring US closer to appreciating the beauty and design of it. An intelligence so grand it created a flow of energy and atoms which work completely in our favor. In ALL living beings favor. The closer children come to understanding the methods and studies of science, the closer it could bring them to the truth. The truth is, life is magnificent and wonderful. As beings who can observe and conclude and observe and conclude again, we should grow a gratitude for the incredible chance that we even exist at all. The entire universe has crafted and evolved to such a degree, allowing US to observe it. US, the very elements and reminisce of a cascading and ever expanding universe, is observing itself. 

Such a beautiful design. 

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Ashley Larsen

Hi! I'm Ashley

I am a Masters Level Certified Teacher with a love for nurturing little minds and encouraging them to grow and learn about the world around them using their mind, soul, and body.
